About Us

The unsurpassed, penetrating, and perfect Truth
is seldom met with, even in a hundred thousand myriad kalpas.  
Now we can see and hear it.  
We can remember and accept it.
 I vow to make the Buddha’s Truth one with myself. 
The Traditional Lecture Verse

Redding Zen Buddhist Priory is a place of quiet meditation
in downtown Redding, California, USA.  
It follows the tradition of Serene Reflection Meditation – Soto Zen.  
The teaching and our practice emphasize meditation, guiding our lives
by the moral Precepts of Buddhism, awakening the heart of compassion, and expressing it through selfless activity in everyday life.

Redding Zen Buddhist Priory
Quiet Meditation.  Zen Teaching.  Buddhist Practice in downtown Redding.

The Priory currently offers 30 minute meditation, both in-person and  via ZOOM, on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6:45 to 7:15 AM.
Please contact Rev. Helen at reddingzen.org if you would like the ZOOM link for these sittings

The Priory offers Dharma Study from 6 to 7 PM on Tuesday and Thursday evenings via ZOOM. 

On Tuesdays, through October 29, we will explore Great Master Dogen’s Eight Realizations of a Great One.  This Shobogenzo chapter, written as Dogen was dying, offers practical advice for us in our contemporary training.

On Thursdays, through November 21, we will examine The Faces of Compassion.  Immersing ourselves in the various compassion scripture in our Tradition, we will explore how we may bring that teaching into our daily practice.

Meditation Instruction, Meditation Tune-up Morning, Working Meditation, Retreats (day-long or half-day) or other Dharma events are announced through the Priory etree.  Please contact Rev. Helen at reddingzen.org if you’d like to receive etree announcements.

Sunday ceremonies are offered on Zoom each Sunday at 11:00am Pacific Daylight Time.  Please contact Rev. Helen at reddingzen@gmail.comif you would like to attend.

It is also possible to schedule in-person sanzen – spiritual counseling – conversations as well as weddings, funerals and memorials,
and house blessings. And please come visit the Priory Library.

The Priory is a temple of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives (OBC), an international Buddhist Order, whose North America office is at Shasta Abbey located in Mt. Shasta, California. The Founder of both OBC and Shasta Abbey is Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett.  The Priory was established in 2018. It offers a regular schedule of meditation, Dharma classes, Buddhist services, and retreats, as well as spiritual guidance. It also offers meditation instruction and workshops for beginners. There are no fees for participating in above activities or any other services that the Priory offers. The Prior of the temple is Rev. Helen Cummings  a grand-disciple of Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett. Rev. Helen trained at Shasta Abbey for 20 years.

Like other affiliated temples of OBC, the Priory is financially independent; we are supported entirely by donations of our congregation and friends.
Generosity makes the heart grow brighter. There is no charge for Priory attending events – meditation, retreats, classes, spiritual guidance, weddings, funerals or memorials.  Please keep in mind, though, that we do pay rent for our lovely Priory building and are responsible for the normals costs of running a household.  Donations – financial,  in-kind, professional services, or help in maintaining the Priory are greatly appreciated.

The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives and the Redding Zen Buddhist Priory are committed to providing a safe and ethical environment in which all may practice. We expect that we, and those who come through our doors, will treat others preceptually and with respect. We value the harmony of the sangha, and wish to address any concerns that may arise about possible unethical or inappropriate behavior. If you should have such a concern, you should feel free to discuss it with Rev. Helen or any senior member or lay minister of the Order. OBC contact information can be found on the OBC website.